防火阻燃测试--中国防火网 400-603-6575


新加坡认证委员会Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC-SINGLAS)

Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) is the national accreditation body in Singapore. It operates a range of accreditation programmers that provide independent assessment and formal recognition of the competence of companies in performing specific type of testing, calibration, inspection, certification and other related activities.


黑山正式加入北约 俄发警告:将采取报复行动



[电线电缆CPR法规] 线缆IEC/EN 60332-1-2单根垂直燃烧测试解析

电线电缆垂直燃烧涉及到线缆CPR法规要求,为了满足EN 50575的最新要求,国内的电线电缆厂家为了最快最便宜的拿到CPR法规的CE证书,大多选择了Eca等级的认证。其中Eca等级的认证主要就是EN60332-1-2电线电缆的单根垂直燃烧。更多关于电线电缆CPR法规及IEC/EN 60332-1-2单根垂直燃烧测试,请咨询南京睿督公司www.cprce.com 电话:025-8658 3475。


空气过滤材料EN 45545-2 HL3等级要求

随着轨道交通车辆发展的速度越来越快,乘客对轨道交通车辆的硬件设施的要求也越来越多,如夏天、冬天需要开空调等。由于轨道交通车辆运行环境的特殊性,对这些材料的要求非常严格。南京睿督公司与您分享空气过滤材料达到EN 45545-2 HL3等级的要求,咨询电话:025-8658 3475

EN 45545-2 Railway applications – Fire protection of railway vehicles – Part 2: Requirement for fire behaviour of materials and components.


中车发布全球首列“无轨列车”既保持轨道列车大载客量优势,又不需要建造专有钢轨,有望在2018年投入商业运营。无轨列车车辆材料运送人多众多,因此对于防火安全性能的要求也非常高。BS6853标准为载客列车车辆材料防火烟毒测试标准之一,南京睿督公司与大家分享无轨列车材料采用BS6853标准进行设计,需要进行哪些方面的测试,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

BS6853标准是BS6853:1999标准的简称。BS 6853:1999 载客列车设计与构造防火通用规范。BS 6853:1999 Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying train.



由中车株洲公司研制生产的中国首批出口欧洲的动车组——马其顿电动车组项目通过TSI认证,这标志着中国动车组正式获得欧洲铁路产品的EC(欧共体)符合性认证证书。对于出口到马其顿欧洲国家的动车组,对于车辆材料的防火安全性能要求也特别严格,需要根据欧盟EN45545标准进行检测试,并要求提供权威合理的EN45545-2验测报告及证书。南京睿督公司与您分享马其顿电动车组车辆材料欧盟EN45545测试具体内容,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

EN45545-2标准对轨道车辆材料的防火阻燃性能、烟雾毒性都有严格要求,希望通过采用防火阻燃低烟低毒的材料来减少或者避免火灾的发生。EN45545-2 铁路应用—轨道车辆的防火保护—第2部分: 材料和元件的防火要求。EN45545-2标准已更新为EN45545-2:2013+A1:2015。

EN50575 cable CE certification fire classification / cable B2ca,Cca,Dca,Eca rating test

Wire and cable manufacturers to strictly control the quality of products and flame retardant materials in the production process in addition, combustion speed can effectively control the cable fire, give people out of time, to a certain extent, the restraining effect for the occurrence and development of the fire. Classification and evaluation of fire safety level of building wire and cable according to EN50575 standard. Nanjing SMART company to share EN50575 cable CE certification and fire classification, consulting Tel: 025-8658 3475.


EN50575:2014+A1:2016 Cable CE Certification standard under the EU CPR Regulation

1. EN50575 Cable CPR Certification--introduction

CPR regulations will be divided into 35 types of building products product area, basic performance for building products made of mechanical resistance and stability, fire safety, sanitation, health and environmental protection, safety, noise, energy saving and heat preservation, sustainable use of natural resources such as seven points to. Among them, the power supply, the controller and the building wire and cable are thirty-first kinds of products, the CPR code provides the classification of the cable fire performance, the relevant test methods, classification standards and additional classification options. From June 2017 to enter the territory of the European Union all wire and cable products are required by the performance of the CE certification, plus CE certification mark requirements. EU CPR regulations under the cable CE certification standards for EN50575:2014+A1:2016. Tel: +86 25-8658 3475.



光缆Eca是指光缆的防火等级达到Eca等级。线缆防火要求EN13501-6包括Aca、B1ca、B2ca、Cca、Dca、Eca、Fca。防火要求达到Eca等级,则按照欧盟光缆CE认证的要求根据AVCP system 3进行认证。更多关于Eca等级评定要求的内容,请咨询南京睿督公司,热线电话025-8658 3475。

EN 13501-6:2014 Fire classification of construction products and building elements. Classification using data from reaction to fire tests on electric cables.

涂料产品DIN 5510-2测试样品要求

为了使得轨道交通车辆美观,一般会使用涂料产品将车辆涂成各种颜色,但是由于轨道车辆运行环境的复杂性,这些涂料使用前需要经过德标DIN 5510-2防火测试,符合相关要求才能使用。南京睿督公司与您分享涂料产品DIN 5510-2测试样品要求,咨询电话:025-8658 3475

DIN 5510-2:2009-05 Preventive fire protect in railway vehicle, part 2: Classification, requirement and test method.



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