防火阻燃测试--中国防火网 400-603-6575



据悉,欧盟于2013年7月1日起强制执行最新的建筑产品法规(305/2011/EU-CPR),CPR法规相比旧的CPD建筑产品指令(89/106/EEC-CPD)更加严格,对贸易商、进口商和分销商等与产品流通相关的环节都做了全新的要求,涉及健康、安全、环保的建筑产品都将加贴CE标志才可进入欧盟市场。建筑用电线电缆CPR法规的要求下要求EN50575标准进行CE认证。我司南京睿督公司为CE认证欧盟公告号授权合作机构,与您专业分享电缆CPR法规EN50575测试认证要求,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。


LUL Standard 1-085英国伦敦地铁协会防火烟毒测试报告

南京睿督公司提供英国UKAS资质(英国皇家认可委员会认可实验室资质)LUL Standard 1-085英国伦敦地铁协会防火烟毒测试报告。LUL 1-085防火标准英国伦敦地铁协会London Underground Limited (LUL)。London Underground Limited (LUL), Category: Cat 1, Number: 1-085, Issue Number: A3, Issue date: March 2011 英国伦敦地铁协会防火测试。南京睿督提供英国UKAS资质的LUL证书,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。


ASTM E2568外墙外保温及饰面系统规格

ASTM E2568 Standard Specification for PB Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems
ASTM E2568 外墙外保温及饰面系统规格

ASTM E2568标准适用范围
1.1 This specification covers PB Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) defined as an exterior, non-bearing wall covering providing a weather-resistant exterior wall envelope on walls required to be combustible or noncombustible, fire-resistance-rated or nonfire-resistance-rated. Further, PB EIFS is a system described as being applied over expanded polystyrene or polyisocyanurate insulation board, an adhesive or mechanical attachment of the insulation board to a substrate, or both, glass fiber reinforcing mesh, a base coat on the face of the insulation board, and a textured protective finish coat.

ASTM C1363-2011用高温实验室法测定建筑材料和包装组件热性能的标准试验方法

ASTM C1363-2011 Standard Test Method for Thermal Performance of Building Materials and Envelope Assemblies by Means of a Hot Box Apparatus
ASTM C1363-2011 用高温实验室法测定建筑材料和包装组件热性能的标准试验方法

ASTM C1363-2011 test method establishes the principles for the design of a hot box apparatus and the minimum requirements for the determination of the steady state thermal performance of building assemblies when exposed to controlled laboratory conditions. This method is also used to measure the thermal performance of a building material at standardized test conditions such as those required in material specifications ASTM C739, ASTM C764, ASTM C1224 and practice ASTM C1373.



汽车材料的阻燃防火性能是十分重要性能要求之一。FMVSS302是美国汽车材料防火阻燃测试标准,主要在规定时间内的测试产品的燃烧破坏长度及燃烧速度等。FMVSS302 联邦交通车辆的内部装饰材料的燃烧性能。南京睿督公司提供FMVSS302中文版标准及测试报告,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。



目前国内及欧洲轨道交通市场,最流行及通用的标准还是德国DIN5510标准,为了减少火灾的发生及扩大,轨道车辆生产商都会要求材料供应商提供符合DIN5510标准的PC材料照明灯罩。PC照明灯罩符合DIN5510-2标准除了要求满足防火阻燃性能外,还要求材料低烟低毒。具体照明灯罩PC材料din5510测试项目及标准,请咨询南京睿督公司,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。



ISO 8990绝热-稳态传热性质的测定标定和防护热箱法

ISO 8990 Thermal insulation-Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties-Calibrated and guarded hot box
ISO 8990 绝热-稳态传热性质的测定标定和防护热箱法 ISO8990:1994(E)与GB/T13475-2008标准类似。

NFPA130美国防火测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/usa/3239.html

BS EN ISO 12567-1门窗热传递系数

BS EN ISO 12567-1 Thermal performance of windows and doors. Determination of thermal transmittance by the hot-box method. Part 1: Complete windows and doors
BS EN ISO 12567-1 门窗的热性能.加热箱法测定热传递系数.完整的门窗

BS EN ISO 12567-1适用范围
This part of ISO 12567 specifies a method to measure the thermal transmittance of a door or window system. It is applicable to all effects of frames, sashes, shutters, blinds, screens, panels, door leaves and fittings. It is not applicable to - edge effects occurring outside the perimeter of the specimen, - energy transfer due to solar radiation on the specimen, - effects of air leakage through the specimen, and - roof windows and projecting products, where the external face projects beyond the cold side roof surface. NOTE For roof windows and projecting units, see the procedure given in ISO 12567-2. Annex A gives methods for the calculation of environmental temperatures.



UL94 V0级阻燃等级测试是常规的防火阻燃测试标准之一。许多用于铁路车辆上的材料,一般要求其材料根据DIN5510-2标准进行测试,要求其产品达到DIN5510-2 S4级。但是大部分工厂对德标DIN5510-2不是太了解,他们对美国UL94V0级测试比较了解,这两者测试有什么区别?具体请联系中国防火网,免费咨询电话:400-666-7290。

DIN5510-2标准S阻燃等级:根据燃烧破坏长度及后燃烧时间这两个方面来评定DIN5510-2 S等级。
DIN5510-2 S4级要求:燃烧破坏长度≤20cm且后燃烧时间≤10s。


自2013年7月1日起,欧盟建材CE认证根据CPR法规进行测试认证。许多工厂对于欧盟建材CPR认证测试要求都不是很了解。南京睿督公司为欧盟公告号授权合作实验室,分享欧洲CPR认证测试具体要求。南京睿督公司咨询电话:025-8658 3475。




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