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窗帘UNI CEI 11170-3意大利防火测试_ UNI CEI 11170-3测试

用于轨道车辆上的窗帘、遮阳帘等纺织品需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行意大利轨道车辆材料的烟火毒测试。具体内容请咨询中国防火网,咨询电话:400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.

车外小区域材料UNI CEI 11170-3意大利防火测试_UNI CEI 11170-3测试

轨道车辆上的小部件材料(miscellaneous materials used on the vehicle outside)需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行意大利轨道车辆材料的烟火毒测试。具体内容请咨询中国防火网,咨询电话:400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.

车身车体材料UNI CEI 11170-3意大利防火测试_墙体及墙体装饰材料UNI CEI 11170-3测试

用于轨道车辆上的车身车体材料,墙体及墙体装饰材料需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行意大利轨道车辆材料的烟火毒测试。具体内容请咨询中国防火网,咨询电话:400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.



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