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UNI 8457意大利防火性能测试

UNI 8457:受单面燃烧的易燃材料-小火燃烧
UNI 8457: Combustible products which can be hit by flame on one surface-Reaction to fire by applying a small flame.

此UNI8457标准被UNI CEI 11170-3标准所引用。


ASTM C564/ASTM C 564污水铸铁管及管配件用橡胶垫圈标准规范

ASTM C564 Standard Specification for Rubber gaskets for cast iron soil pipe and fittings污水铸铁管及管配件用橡胶垫圈标准规范

This ASTM C564 specification defines the required properties of lock-strip gaskets where resistance to sunlight, weathering, flame, oxidation, permanent deformation under load, and diminution of gripping pressure are prime essentials.

电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试_UNI CEI 11170-3表格2电缆测试

用于地铁、动车、高铁的轨道交通车辆的电线电缆需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行测试。电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试主要关注于单根电缆燃烧测试,多根成束燃烧测试,烟密度,气体的腐蚀性,燃烧气体的酸性等等,更多电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试,请咨询中国防火网400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3:轨道车辆防护的指导.第3部分:材料的防火性能评估,接受限度。此标准替代SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001标准。电线电缆根据UNI CEI 11170-3表格2(Acceptability criteria for electric and electronic materials and components)进行测试.根据车辆的操作运行及设计类型,火灾的危险等级可以划分为LR1-LR4(LR1, LR2, LR3, LR4)。LR4等级表示火灾风险要求最高。


电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试_UNI CEI 11170-3防火测试

用于地铁、动车、高铁的轨道交通车辆的电线电缆需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行测试。电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试主要关注于单根电缆燃烧测试,多根成束燃烧测试,烟密度,气体的腐蚀性,燃烧气体的酸性等等,更多电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试,请咨询中国防火网400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.

电缆UNI CEI 11170-3防火测试_电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试

用于地铁、动车、高铁的轨道交通车辆的电线电缆需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行测试。电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试主要关注于单根电缆燃烧测试,多根成束燃烧测试,烟密度,气体的腐蚀性,燃烧气体的酸性等等,更多电线电缆UNI CEI 11170-3测试,请咨询中国防火网 400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.

座椅整体性能测试UNI CEI 11170-3意大利防火测试_座椅UNI CEI 11170-3测试

轨道车辆上的整体座椅需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行意大利轨道车辆材料的烟火毒测试。具体内容请咨询中国防火网,咨询电话:400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.

座椅垫UNI CEI 11170-3意大利防火测试_UNI CEI 11170-3测试

轨道车辆上的座椅垫(padded seat coverings)需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行意大利轨道车辆材料的烟火毒测试。具体内容请咨询中国防火网,咨询电话:400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.

走廊分离膜UNI CEI 11170-3意大利防火测试_UNI CEI 11170-3测试

轨道车辆上的连接走廊分离膜(Connecting corridor menbranes)需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行意大利轨道车辆材料的烟火毒测试。具体内容请咨询中国防火网,咨询电话:400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.

桌子等内部组件材料UNI CEI 11170-3意大利防火测试_UNI CEI 11170-3测试

轨道车辆上的水平放置的内部组件材料(桌子,书架,床等材料)(Interior components placed horizontally, e.g. tables, shelf coverings, sleeper structures, etc.)需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行意大利轨道车辆材料的烟火毒测试。具体内容请咨询中国防火网,咨询电话:400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.

硬座UNI CEI 11170-3意大利防火测试_座椅 UNI CEI 11170-3测试

轨道车辆上的硬座椅,非软体座椅,如塑料座椅等(Rigid seats)需要根据UNI CEI 11170-3标准进行意大利轨道车辆材料的烟火毒测试。具体内容请咨询中国防火网,咨询电话:400-666-7290。

UNI CEI 11170-3: Guidelines for railway vehicle protection for tramways and with guided rail. Part 3: Assessment of fire behaviour of materials, acceptance limits。The standard supersedes the SS UNI E10.02.977.3:2001 standard.



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