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BS 6853 Annex D: smoke density


BS 6853 Annex D/smoke density/BS 6853
BS 6853 Annex D: Methods for measuring smoke density
The smoke density measurement taken from a material under fire conditions gives an indication of the visibility through the smoke, this is important as reduced visibility in a real fire situation makes it more difficult to escape from a fire hence increasing the threat to human life from the toxic gases, flames and heat.

BS 6853 Annex B: toxicity test


BS 6853 Annex B/toxicity test/BS6853
BS 6853 Annex B: Determination of weighted summation of toxic fume, R
There are two different test methods which can be utilized to determine the toxic fumes produced from materials to be placed on passenger carrying trains in the UK:

BS 6853 Annex B/toxicity test/BS6853

BS 6853 Annex B/toxicity test/BS6853

BS 6853 Annex B: Determination of weighted summation of toxic fume, R
There are two different test methods which can be utilized to determine the toxic fumes produced from materials to be placed on passenger carrying trains in the UK:


Cable test for GB/T 12528-2008


GB/T 12528: Railway vehicle cables with rated voltages up to and including 3KV. GB/T 12528-2008 replace GB 12528.1-1990,GB 12528.11-2003

Cable testing for NFF16-101


NFF16-101-Railway rolling stock fire behavior choice of material
NF16-102-Railway rolling stock fire behavior choice of material –Electrical Equipment
As the cable flame spread and burning rate of destruction of the length of the combustion smoke density (light penetration) and the burning of hazardous toxic gas escape on the staff of life play a very important influence. In general, testing cables through these areas to assess






GB 14907《钢结构防火涂料》修订工作会议召开

经国家标准委批准,GB 14907《钢结构防火涂料》修订项目被列入2010年国家标准制修订计划。为保证标准修订进度和修订质量,该项目承担单位公安部四川消防研究所、公安部消防产品合格中心于2011524在四川省都江堰市召开了标准修订会议。会议邀请公安部消防局以及重庆、湖北、四川公安消防总队的专家参加会议,标准参编单位四川天府防火材料有限公司、杭州西子防火材料有限公司、昆山市防火材料厂、北京金隅涂料有限责任公司、江苏兰陵高分子材料有限公司、厦门市大平工贸有限公司等单位派员出席了会议。


Cable testing for BS6853:1999/BS4066-3/BS 6853 Annex B/BS 6853 Annex D

BS6853:1999-Code of practice for fire precautions in the design and construction of passenger carrying trains.

BS EN 50266-1:2001 Together with BS EN 50266-2-1, BS EN 50266-2-2, BS EN 50266-2-3, BS EN 50266-2-4, BS EN 50266-2-5,it supersedes BS EN 4066-3 which is withdrawn.


Cable testing for NFPA130:2010/UL 1585/UL 1685/ASTM E 662/BSS7239

NFPA 130: Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and passenger Rail Systems

As the cable flame spread and burning rate of destruction of the length of the combustion smoke density (light penetration) and the burning of hazardous toxic gas escape on the staff of life play a very important influence. In general, testing cables through these areas to assess.



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