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首頁   喷射火测试   ISO 23693-1被動防火材料抗氣體爆炸性的測定

ISO 23693-1被動防火材料抗氣體爆炸性的測定

ISO 23693-1:2021 Determination of the resistance to gas explosions of passive fire protection materials — Part 1: General requirements
ISO 23693-1:2021 被動防火材料抗氣體爆炸性的測定-第1部分:一般要求

ISO 23693-1檔旨在模擬火災前可能釋放的易燃氣體、加壓液化氣體或閃蒸液體燃料引起的爆炸可能會給被動防火(PFP)材料和系統帶來的機械載荷。本文件也適用於粉塵爆炸。氣體爆炸會產生壓力和阻力。在氣體爆炸中,PFP材料的損壞可能由壓力和阻力載荷的直接影響以及支撐PFP材料的基板的偏轉引起。ISO 23693系列的其他部分將涉及一系列常見類型的試樣,這些試樣可根據產生的機械載荷進行測試。南京睿督公司諮詢電話:+86 25-86583475

This document aims to simulate the mechanical loads that could be imparted to passive fire protection (PFP) materials and systems by explosions resulting from releases of flammable gas, pressurised liquefied gas or flashing liquid fuels that may precede a fire. This document can also be applicable to dust explosions. Gas explosions can give rise to pressure and drag forces. Damage to PFP materials in a gas explosion can be caused by the direct effects of pressure and drag loadings and by the deflection of the substrate supporting the PFP material. Other parts of the ISO 23693 series will deal with a range of common types of specimen that could be tested against the mechanical loads generated.

ISO 23693-1標準評定要求
For the pressure transducers located to confirm the pressure-time history on the specimen:
a) A minimum of two pressure transducers shall function correctly during the test.
b) The average peak overpressure measured by the pressure transducers shall exceed the target peak pressure and none of the transducers shall record an overpressure less than 85 % of the target peak overpressure.
c) The average rise time measured by the pressure transducers shall fall within ±25 % of the required value.
d) The average impulse measured by the pressure transducers shall exceed the required peak impulse and none of the transducers shall record an impulse less than 85 % of the required peak impulse.

南京睿督分享噴射火(JET FIRE)和池火(HC)- 被動式防火裝置檢測和認證  https://www.fire-test.cn/newsinfo/4560428.html


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 來源:防火網 發布時間:3/6/2023 點擊次數:716

 上一條: 南京睿督分享噴射火(JET FIRE)和池火(HC)- 被動式防火裝置檢測和認證

 下一條: 管道噴射火測試Jet Fire-OTI95634/ISO 22899-1
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