防火阻燃测试--中国防火网 400-603-6575


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UNI 9796意大利防火性能测试

UNI 9796意大利防火性能测试
UNI 9796:用于木制材料上防火涂料的燃烧试验-测试防火和等级划分
UNI 9796: Reaction to fire of flame retardant coating products for wood based materials - Test methods for classification purposes.

This UNI 9796 Standard specifies the test method for the classification of flame retardant coating products in relation to their effectiveness in modifying the reaction to fire of wood based materials when used within buildings

UNI 9174:辐射热点燃火焰燃烧试验
UNI 9175:软垫家具的小火燃烧试验
UNI 9177:可燃材料的燃烧等级
UNI 9796:用于木制材料上防火涂料的燃烧试验-测试防火和等级划分

Fire reaction (DM 06/03/1992 - UNI 9796)
In the event of fire, these coatings must reduce the heat and fire transmission.
A number from 0 to 5, classify the level of coatings (from: 0 = not combustible to 5 = easily combustible)
RENNER fire reaction coatings reach Class 1 when applied on MDF non-fire retardant
board (class 4, 830x170x4 mm). The minimum thickness of coating required
must be at least 400 g/sqm to reach Class 1.

此UNI9796标准被UNI CEI 11170-3标准所引用。

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